
i've changed over the years

i think it's pretty obvious

a few years ago i was referring myself as someone called "station", it was my pseudonym
it identified who i was

but then i decided to make an oc of sorts
she was called dumpling
she was a white-fur, domestic shorthair, cat/fox creature

if you've known me for a while, you probably know who i am talking about

but i've changed over the years
and i think it's pretty obvious

a few years ago i was referring myself as someone called "dumpling", it was my pseudonym
it identified who i was

but then i decided to start my transition
she was called amy
she was a beautiful, tolerant and a great friend

if you've known me for a while, you probably know who i am talking about

but i've changed over the years
and i think it's pretty obvious

but these
these are only names
they do not dictate who we are
they do not dictate how we need to act
they do not dictate our sex, our gender, our way of acting

they are not myself, they are a part of myself

of who i am

but i've changed over the years
and i think—

you are the only one who can change your destiny

you are the only one who can change your perspective

don't let others make you feel bad for who you are

don't let others change you

for the better
or for worse

Go back to the garden